Reading: When will she go to the U.S.?

>> Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My co-worker R agreed to be my fortune telling guinea pig and yesterday I did a series of readings with this question:

When will R go the U.S.? (mentally I set the time frame to be within 2 years).

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Ring - Key - WOMAN - Whip - Clouds

Ring + Key : I was overjoyed to see this combination as I took it to be a sure sign of marriage. R can go the U.S. only after getting married with her U.S. citizen boyfriend. They have been planning marriage but there have been setbacks (legal, paperwork). The cards are describing the situation accurately. The Key is a positive sign but does it have another 'past' meaning being on the left side?

Whip : Not a very positive card but I wasn't sure whether to take it at face value or use the number 11 as a time frame (November). Same goes for Clouds (which can be interpreted as June...or otherwise). Will there be setbacks (Whip, Clouds) and she won't go to the U.S. after all? But such a negative interpretation would cancel out the highly positive aspect of Ring + Key.

To make the answer clearer I redrew the cards with this modified question:

Will she leave for the U.S. by next year (2012)?

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Key - WOMAN - Clouds - Snake - Tree

Key appears beside Woman again, another very positive sign. Clouds make another appearance which I take as a sign that I'm on the right track. Looking at the numbers, Clouds = 6, Snake = 7, Tree = 5 which could be June, July, May. So I deduce that YES she will leave for the U.S. in 2012, most probably around June.

To double-check I took a peek at her life in 2013:

Where will R be in 2013?

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Man - Storks - WOMAN - Birds - Child

Man : could be her boyfriend (probably husband by then)

Storks: she had moved to better pastures, a better life, together with her husband (Man + Storks)

Birds : a card of communication and companionship. This could refer to her own family.

Child : R has been wanting a baby and her wish might come true this year. Sylvie gives the combination Birds + Child = Twins so maybe two little bundles of joy are on the way :)

Wrap up: She won't be going to the U.S. this year although developments could occur on November. She'll get married to her boyfriend and they will leave for the U.S. around June of next year (2012). By 2013 she had moved to a better life and settled down with her own family. She will have the baby she wanted by this year.

I'm not sure if I interpreted the cards correctly but I sure hope this positive reading comes true!

UPDATE: R did indeed get married and went to the US this year (2012), but in February.


Weekly Reading: Work-related Trip?

>> Monday, May 9, 2011

My cards for the week:

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Book - Mice - Woman - Ship - Fox

refers to knowledge and the brain. I don't feel the Mice card is overtly negative in this instance and focusing on its positive aspects (pests steadily working away at a piece of cheese -- an image I associate with the 8 of Pentacles in the Tarot) I could be busy working on learning something. This could either refer to myself (I'm always in the process studying something new) or it could even be me as a teacher. I have been recently tasked to teach Japanese to trainees and I expect this week to be a stressful one since we have to wrap up everything before they leave for Japan next week.

On the right side, the Ship once again makes an appearance (the Lenormand sure likes telling me about how much I travel from place to place ;) ) coupled by the Fox (Job).

Ship + Fox : I might have to travel for work-related reasons this week. This is a relatively rare occurrence as I'm mostly stuck to my desk and only go out if my boss requires me to tag along. I'd keep my eyes peeled for this one.

Book + Mice : Having a bit of trouble tying these with the right-hand cards...maybe the work-related trip will be taxing/stressful on my brain/knowledge? This kind of scenario has happened many times before so it's possible. Or maybe this is to say that the trip will come as a surprise (Book) and the resulting surprise would be make me nervous (Mice). Again, with the nature of my job and personality, neither is this far-fetched.

Updates by the end of the week.


Weekly Reading: A Foreign Proposal?

>> Tuesday, May 3, 2011

I drew these cards for the week with the Woman as significator/charged card:
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Garden - Woman - Ship - Ring - Birds

Garden + Woman : I may have to go to a party or gathering. The last time I drew this card I ended up going to an impromptu family gathering. I don't plan to go to any this week. (Actually there's a company outing coming up this Saturday but I've decided not to go).

Ship + Ring + Bird : I may receive communication about a proposal/deal/partnership from overseas or a foreigner? An overseas contract? Combined with Garden, I might encounter the proposal/foreigner at a gathering/public place.

Garden, Ring, Bird talk about involvement with others so I may have to be vigilant in my interactions.

Alternatively, I may receive communication about a proposal from overseas (could even be a friend’s wedding or a work-related move on my hubby's part).

Very curious to see how this one turns out. I'll update by the end of the week.

UPDATE: The cards manifested but not in the way I expected. The 'contract' turned out to be a Photo-Video coverage deal for my upcoming church wedding this September. My Dad introduced me to a studio last Saturday and I paid the down payment on the same day. This is even more obvious once I add in the card immediately preceding Garden, which was Bouquet (Bouquet + Garden would be the wedding). I took note of it at the time but didn't include it in the reading as I wanted to focus on only 5 cards.

Of special note is the Ship which Sylvie attributes to 'foreigners / overseas trips' but which in my experience only manifests as a trip of some distance (over an hour away). In this instance it only seemed to indicate that the deal will occur at some distance away from where I did the reading (which is true as my hometown is 4 hours away from my apartment).


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