Reading: When will she go to the U.S.?

>> Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My co-worker R agreed to be my fortune telling guinea pig and yesterday I did a series of readings with this question:

When will R go the U.S.? (mentally I set the time frame to be within 2 years).

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Ring - Key - WOMAN - Whip - Clouds

Ring + Key : I was overjoyed to see this combination as I took it to be a sure sign of marriage. R can go the U.S. only after getting married with her U.S. citizen boyfriend. They have been planning marriage but there have been setbacks (legal, paperwork). The cards are describing the situation accurately. The Key is a positive sign but does it have another 'past' meaning being on the left side?

Whip : Not a very positive card but I wasn't sure whether to take it at face value or use the number 11 as a time frame (November). Same goes for Clouds (which can be interpreted as June...or otherwise). Will there be setbacks (Whip, Clouds) and she won't go to the U.S. after all? But such a negative interpretation would cancel out the highly positive aspect of Ring + Key.

To make the answer clearer I redrew the cards with this modified question:

Will she leave for the U.S. by next year (2012)?

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Key - WOMAN - Clouds - Snake - Tree

Key appears beside Woman again, another very positive sign. Clouds make another appearance which I take as a sign that I'm on the right track. Looking at the numbers, Clouds = 6, Snake = 7, Tree = 5 which could be June, July, May. So I deduce that YES she will leave for the U.S. in 2012, most probably around June.

To double-check I took a peek at her life in 2013:

Where will R be in 2013?

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Man - Storks - WOMAN - Birds - Child

Man : could be her boyfriend (probably husband by then)

Storks: she had moved to better pastures, a better life, together with her husband (Man + Storks)

Birds : a card of communication and companionship. This could refer to her own family.

Child : R has been wanting a baby and her wish might come true this year. Sylvie gives the combination Birds + Child = Twins so maybe two little bundles of joy are on the way :)

Wrap up: She won't be going to the U.S. this year although developments could occur on November. She'll get married to her boyfriend and they will leave for the U.S. around June of next year (2012). By 2013 she had moved to a better life and settled down with her own family. She will have the baby she wanted by this year.

I'm not sure if I interpreted the cards correctly but I sure hope this positive reading comes true!

UPDATE: R did indeed get married and went to the US this year (2012), but in February.


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